Here Are My Thoughts Like It Or Not
Published on February 17, 2005 By JadesHubby In Misc
Things Never Change For the Better.

Well since my last post Crystal has went from at least taking out the garbage to doing nothing at all for the last couple of days. I mean it is hilarious that I worked at an assembly plant just like she is now. I worked for Nine Hours and with only two fifteens unless I wanted to take a break and I would come home and still help clean house and do dishes and do everything I am suppose to. Well she is working at a dough factory here in Fargo and she only works 8 hours a night and gets two fifteen minute breaks and a half hour lunch and she complains I am TOO tired or I cant Moved or I hurt too much to move. Well today Crystal laid down at 10:30am and went to sleep and me,James, and Jade all went out at 2pm and we were gone til 8:30 almost 9:00 pm and she had not moved at all.

I recently wrote an article on the laziness of people but I swear this is getting a bit ridiculous if you ask me she goes from one extreme to another. Now she is doing nothing. All the housework is left up to me and James again. But I know several Parents that work 12 or more hours a day and still come home and work around the house cleaning and such. I mean all me and James asked of her was to take out garbage and wash dishes. And for a while she was taking out trash but there has been a garbage bag in the kitchen floor for two days that has needed to go out and she has walked around it several times and even acknowledged that it was there but has failed to understand she needs to take it out. I mean it is common sense that Hey My chores are to wash dishes and take out garbage and I am adding garbage to a full bag ...... hmmm i think I should take this out. Whats the kicker of all is that I had to finish her dishes a few days ago that she neglected to finish cause she decided to go to sleep instead. So i finished up the dishes and I finished the rest of my house work and decided to sit down for a minute to work before I started in again with some dusting and rearranging of furniture and she decides to roll out of bed and try and come in and help but to her surprise I already had the dishes done. She then tried to say when she was putting dishes away that she had to rerinse off dishes that I had done but I hate to tell her that I dont leave muck or any food particles on the plates when I wash the dishes.

The hot water in this apartment building is a little tricky but this is quite hiliarious of them all and that is she washes dishes one at a time and leaves the water running while she washes a single plate at a time. Normal people run a dish sink or pan full of water to wash the dishes in to conserve hot water to rinse with Right??? HEHE Not her. I mean we have to fight with keeping hot water and all that anyways and she washes a single dish at a time instead of running a sink or dish pan full of water. I mean when I was dishes I run a sink full of water and then I start washing. Ok her method she gets a quarter of dishes done before she loses hot water. Well when I did the rest of her dishes I got thru three different fillings of the sink and I was thru with the dishes and I still had hot water and I was washing dishes for like an hour and a half. So tell me which is more effective and a lot less hectic.

Crystal is definitely disrespectful I mean James is recording on his electrical grand piano that was bought for him and she is getting louder and louder with no regard to his playing. I mean he is a professional at piano but to have someone getting over the loudness of the piano is beyond reconciling.

You know I have heard Crystal say that she has tried and tried and tried to lose weight but you know I dont see her trying now. I mean she sits and eats and eats and eats. Me and James maybe eats one time a day and we make sure that is all we eat. Crystal sits there and gorges all day long and gawd dont get a soda around her. I mean we opened a two liter of Coke and make taken three drinks out of it and she got ahold of it and had it drank til it was gone. And that was in less than 15 minutes. She sits there and stuffs her face. Then she says, "I cant lose weight" I think of saying something like " well if you will push your chunky butt away from the table or something once in a while you might be able to lose weight."

When we moved into the apartment that we are in there was an arrangement made between all the adults that me and James would get the bedroom by the bathroom and Crystal and Jade would sleep in the bedroom by the kitchen (lawd that was a mistake put the gorger next to the kitchen). But relentlessly enough Crystal does not sleep in her room she would rather lay up on the couch and sleep where people cannot sit and watch television. She promises Jade that she will sleep with her in the morning when she gets home but no she lays up on the couch and higernates there instead of sleeping in her bed. Which is quite funny cause in Minot she would sleep in her bed.

She has sit there and said that I wanted her and James to get a divorce in minot so me and James could adopt a child but I hate to tell her that I didnt have the thought of adopting a child didnt come up til me and James went to the mall and was looking at childrens clothing. So if she is going to open her trap about something she needs to fucking get the facts straight. I mean damn I have kids of my own but I dont get to see them. I look at Jade as my own ....she calls me daddy and James already said that I could adopt her. I mean yeah I am going to have thoughts about wanting to adopt a child so me and James would have a child that I know we could call ours. I think I might have upsetted her a bit by saying that I didnt want to adopt an iraqian child. And I dont want to adopt internationally cause there are millions of children here in the states that need a home to call their own be it they are children or Teens/Young Adults. You know if there wasnt children here in the states that need loving homes and such then yeah i would consider adopting internationally. But here is my main problem with adopting. One I dont need Crystal spoiling another child like she has done here own. I dont want the child I adopt to call her mother. I mean I want the child to know me and James as its parents and I would not let her have any say over the child I adopt. Cause it will be me and James's child to raise. Yeah I had one issue that how would I explain to the child why he has two daddies and no mommy. But I would deal with that when it would arise.



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