Here Are My Thoughts Like It Or Not
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Published on February 4, 2005 By JadesHubby In Blogging
The Laziness of People

Well peeps it is happening again and I am not going to stand for it again. Crystal is only doing one thing to clean the house and that is take out the garbage. We asked of her that she take out the garbage and do dishes. That is all we asked of her. How hard is it to do dishes and take out trash. Me and Jade said that we will clean the rest of the house. She would rather sit on her fat lazy ass and not do anything. I am thinking of turning off the satellite so that she will get her ass up and do something rather than sit on her ass doing nothing. Rather to sleep in her room with our daughter she would rather lie on the couch or sleep in our bed. I will tell you that will stop or i will bust up the couch. She sucks her thumb like a child. She cant do anything to reprimand Jade (daughter) nor will she let me or Jade reprimand Jade Jr. When and if we do she starts getting mad and arguing and saying that Jade gets punished more than the man on the moon and more than she did when she was a child. I will tell you that Jade is spoiled fucking rotten and is a bad seed par say. She screams at the top of her lungs when you ask her to do something and she also waits to use the potty on herself in public. Crystal does not care about Jade Sr. like she says she does. He asked her three months ago to set him up a dentist appointment and she didnt do it I finally had to do it. And now she is not setting him up any appointments and from this point on I will set up all Jade's appointments and that is final cause unlike Crystal I do care about his well being. When we try and wake Crystal up to help us she is like I am too tired and I hurt too much to do anything. Now this is going to stop or i will start laying into her. I will have to think of some more to write in just a minute. Right now I have to do some dishes. She also does tend to be nosy and read other people's diary/journal entries.

I fail to realize why people must be nosy and go into other peoples writings and bills and such. It escapes realization of what they have to gain from this knowledge. So Why would someone want to obtain the knowledge of how much someone owes or how much someone makes. It escapes the imagination that someone would have to vialote the privacy of others. And be as Nosey as some get.

But the real issue is the laziness. Some people are too lazy for their own good. One whom rather proceastinate than to actually go ahead and do what is asked of them to be done. If one was to even atempt to make it as a real adult and make it in the real world they need the thought of keeping a clean house and to take the responsibility to actually keep a home rather than a pig pen.

Whom in their right mind would sit at the door of the bathroom and wait to wipe their four year old daughters butt. Myself I thought that four year olds can wipe their own butts. One fails to realize that a four year old is smarter than most adults cause they still hold alot of the knowledge of the world. Also children have a way they know what they are doing since birth. And even in alot of cultures like China their are children rulers cause they know of their being and their known place. Their is a movie called "Seven Years in Tibet". In this movie the child was foreseen as the past emporer born into a new born and this child had to choose which of the items they showed him was of his own in the past life. And this child chose each item with perfection and inquistive instinct. And this child ruled to the best he could. But alot of people take children for granted cause a child could rule a country in a better way than any adult could ever do.

The utmost thing one person could do is to keep their minds to taking care of family and to keep a clean house. But That is all I have to add right now. I will probably write more later.

on Feb 04, 2005
I was going to comment on this but to be honest I'm just too lazy.
on Feb 04, 2005
Whats the old saying? "Spare the rod, spoil the child. Spoil the rod, spare the child." Sounds like crystal was spoiled as a child. It sounds like your heart is in the right place. I hope you three can figure out how to manage the situation. (and i'm not going to leave a comment on your other copy of this article because you didn't ask for them in the subtitle on that one )